Development of Certification Management System according to Textile Exchange’s Standards and to GOTS.

ORIENTA consultancy service aims at designing and implementing the Certification Management System compliant with the Content Claim Standard (CCS) criteria as well as with other standards and reference guidelines.

Services include:

  1. initial analysis: (i) break down of the production process and identification of the risk points; (ii) identification of the existing operational practices and procedures with a particular attention to input (purchased certified materials) and output (sold certified products); management of the input/output balance (volume reconciliation); (iii) identification of roles and responsibilities; (iv) highlight of the organisation specific needs and of any gaps regarding requirements.
  2. planning activities and timetables;
  3. developing the Certification Management System, including manuals, procedures operating instructions and related forms.
  4. staff training.

Furthermore, it is possible to request the following supplementary services:

  1. internal audits;
  2. support during the Certification Body’s audits

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